Today was Sunday, and I did basically what I do every Sunday, which is nothing. And it was awesome. I woke up around 9h45 and hung out in bed for a bit. Then I spent most of my morning practicing, and I forgot to eat breakfast. :/ For lunch, I just had some bread and cheese, some yogurt, and a banana. It was good for holding me over to dinner. I spent the rest of my afternoon playing, watching TEDTalks and listening to trumpet excerpts. My trumpet playing went really, really well, again, today. I really feel good about the 8 useable notes in my range.
We got a 'nother nice sunset tonight. Sunset in French is "coucher de soliel" which literally means, sleep of the sun. |
In, I went to Pizza Cap with Laura and her three friends who were visiting from Italy. They were nice and it was fun. After dinner, we took them to Laura's room and Laura and I went to Angelas apartment. They were watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and we figured we'd go hang out, having missed the movie. However, when we got their, they were still eating
their pizza, so we just hung out with them and chatted for a while. We left when they started the movie because it was getting late. It was a nice, relaxing Sunday, and I am sad that I only get one more in Pau. Pretty hard to believe....
My amis being silly. |
I was TRYING to take a vrai photo. |
EDIT: I forgot to tell you all that my day sucked bc I burned my tongue on some stupid hot chocolate.
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