I had a really hard time getting out of bed today. It was very cold and rainy and dreary. I just really didn't want to go to class. But I did. Class today was fine. We are doing lots of stuff that involve reading comprehension. I bet when we get our TCF results back on Monday, that will be where most of the class struggled. In the afternoon, I had to give an "exposé" on the place in which I live in. (Exposé is French for exposé) I did mine on Dallas. Because that is where I live. It was a really great presentation. Really.
After class, I was exhausted, so I came home and relaxed, practiced, and watched TEDTalk videos. I was going to go out, but we ate dinner here pretty late, so by the time we finished, I just wasn't interested anymore. Plus, it is cold. I wasn't about to go outside.
By cold do you mean it's under 50 degrees?