Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 110: Paris, France

Today was a pretty good day.  I couldn't get to sleep last night, which was very frustrating.  I woke up this morning at around 6h 30, when Matt was getting ready to leave.  We said bye to him and then hung out with Laura and Rehana for a while.  We got tired, so at around 9h, I took a nap until about 11h.  I woke up, and at around 11h 20, I went into Paris to go to the Louvre with Duke.  The Louvre is a huge museum, and it was really cool.  We spent about 3.5 hours there, and saw maybe 3-4% of the museum.  I was also really excited to see the building itself, and I.M. Pei's entry pyramid. 

Here is one of Baron Haussmann's metro stations.
And a matching news stand.
When I arrived at the Louvre, we got in free.(French youth, again) I needed to eat, so Duke and I went to the cafe in the Louvre.


Meyerson, anyone?

Here is the Louvre, entrance pyramid and Eiffel Tower.

Very cool skylight to diffuse light.
There's a lot of great Egyptian art that I didn't have much time to regarde.

"Winged Victory"  I was really fascinated by this one. 

I was much more interested in the crowd that was interested in the Mona Lisa that the Mona Lisa itself, which frankly, isn't that great.
Duke, near a fairly large painting.
Cool.  I like the contrasting stairs.

Big glass pyramid.
Once we finished at the Louvre, Duke and I headed to the Eiffel Tower to meet up with Rehana, Laura, and Jenny.  They were at a Christmas market near the tower.

Me and the day-time Tower.

At the market, we all got saussages.  This was mine, AKA the best food ever.  It was a baguette, stuffed full with grillied onions, sausage, and mustard.  It was fantastic.

The Tower at dusk.
 After we finished eating, we decided to head back, even though it was pretty early.  Rehana needed to take a train to Charles de Gaulle, and we were spending a lot of money.  We spent the rest of the night just hanging out in the hostel and watching the horrible French television.  Jenny and I also walked to a convenience store near by.  I got some curry stuff and some Ramen noodles and some candy and an Orangina and a Coca Light.  It was all pretty good, and the Ramen noodles here are WAY better.  The worst part of the evening was saying goodbye to Rehana.  She is a blast, and will be missed.

Bye bye hugs. :(
This is pretty much how we all felt after Rehana left.  There are only 3 of us left now, and we are really, really triste.
 I am having a great time in Paris, but I am really sad about saying goodbye to all of my friends.  By this time tomorrow, Jenny will be gone, and Laura and Duke will be about to leave.  I don't know what I am going to do.


  1. Like Rick said to Ilsa during their final goodbye at the airport in Casablanca: "We'll always have Paris."

  2. Although in your case, you'll always have Facebook as well!
