So today. When I woke up. I didn't think to myself, "Oh my god, I am so stupid. Why did I set my alarm an hour early?". And I didn't think, "It is like 5 degrees in the damn room! Why would I forget to turn my radiator up!?" I wasn't even upset that it was Tuesday. The only thing I thought, in my first waking moment was "[whimper] I don't want to go to literature tonight. [pout]". Heart wrenching, I know. Immobilized by the sub-zero temperatures in my chambre, I just kinda pulled my computer into my bed and hung out on the internet.
When I walked to class, it was very cold out. Just a little warmer than freezing. I was fine, except I have a large hole in my jeans, so my right knee was very cold. Class was actually surprisingly pleasant AND educational. Our Tuesday teacher, who is typically not very nice OR good at teaching, led a really good class, and it went by very quickly. For lunch, I went to La Vague with Forrest, Angela, and Kate, and we had a nice lunch and a good conversation. The afternoon class was similarly good, and it was turning out to be a pretty good Tuesday. But then, I suppose, all good things must come to an end. It was time to go to literature. Having ruled out a ritual suicide, I decided I better go to class. However, I was happily informed by Breanna that MY CLASS WAS CANCELLED!! NO JOKE.
Yes. This is a giant photo of fireworks. |
Somehow, this Tuesday became one of the best days EVER. I don't understand what happened, but I don't really care. I am not going to complain. In celebration, I did absolutely nothing, and it was awesome. I practiced just a little bit, and ate dinner with my family. Pablo is very sick, with whatever I had, but his is way worse. I'm curious if this is something that is quickly evolving, because every person who has had it in the house has been a little sicker than the one before. Just curious. Overall, it was a very surprisingly good day.
During the second winter we spent in Montréal, it never got above freezing for six straight weeks... and for most of that time was well below.... Et ton frère never complained about it once! (Of course, his being 1-1/2 months old at the time might have had something to do with it, but let's just say, for the sake of argument, that it's because he wasn't a pampered American!)