I woke up today, in Heathrow airport, around 8, and I was exhausted, if you can believe it. I went to the ticket agent, and she was extremely helpful and got me on a flight leaving at 9 45 instead of 13 25. She even got me a pretty decent seat.
The Boeing 777 that will take me home. |
The flight back was pretty good. It was quite longer than the flight over, lasting almost 10 hours. Still not too bad. I had plenty of legroom, and there were no kids around. It was certainly no KLM, though. I did get some mushy cheese pasta that was good, and this mushy cheese pizza thing later. And some delicious treats to fill the gaps.
Not delicious. |
I managed to get a good amount of rest on the flight, and watched a couple of movies. I saw The Debt, which was pretty good, if anybody is interested.
When I landed in Dallas, I was met by Natalie and Dad. It was really great to see them.
Natalie had this at the airport, in a cooler, with ice. Best sister ever. |
I spent the rest of my evening just relaxing at home. I talked a lot with my dad about the trip, took a shower, practiced, and had a great dinner courtesy of my mom. I am really sad to be gone from France, and there are a lot of things I miss, but it is good to see my family again.
She's special. |
My awesome first dinner home. |
So this is it. I am home, after an amazing 4 months in Europe, and my trip is over. Which makes this blog done as well. Thanks everybody who made this trip so great, and especially my parents and family for making it possible. And of course, thanks to everybody who stopped in to read this thing every once in a while. It has been a pleasure. Au revoir!